The lombok java utility helps to avoid getter and setter methods in java, especially in JSF and any POJO's
After Installing it (very simple 2 click process) and add the same jar to your project's classpath.
Here is an example of how to avoid getters and setters in java using lombak.jar , scala does that but just to avoid getters and setters this utility is more than enough.
public class Person{
public String name;
public int age;
public int getAge(){
return this.age;
public void setAge(int argAge){
this.age = argAge;
//[...] Other Getters and Setters HERE.
To convert the POJO use the "@Data" annotation as follows.
@Data public class Person{
public String name;
public int age;
That's it deploy / code / refactor / life is short - Enjoy!
- There are more handy and specific annotations head over to the website.
- Reduces all the noisy clutter methods in the class, no need for the lombak jar to be present during runtime.
- Works like magic with IBatis & JRebel also!
- Your IDE still sees the getter and setter methods as though they exist. (Atleast in eclipse it does for me! )
- Reduces the code size of the project by at least 30%.
Many Thanks to the lombak team!