Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009 sheds some really good insights on XML schema namespace managing and versioning, and strategies to adopt.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Normative Architecture

A normative architecture is one based on codes and communications.

a) Where naming patterns of objects can be applied.
b) XML Schemas can be used within an organization so that different systems can be adaptive to change(s) within an organization.
c) A central normative repository in an project would also be very usefull in terms of applying security, and modularising products.
d) In my mind even certain apsects of the frameworks, if it is backed by a database design would allow it to scale and also be descriptive. One can argue that frameworks can also reflect/extend or other ways and capture this information, however there would be more control over what can be added and prevented when a framework si backed by db schema.

Just reading up on architecture ... and gathering some points.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

CodeNaut: Tabbed Command Window (Windows)

CodeNaut: Tabbed Command Window (Windows)

Tabbed Command Window (Windows)

For regular desktop development where you need to have multiple command windows open I found this utility very usefull.

a) Name your command windows and set default locations, and open them as a tab.
b) Set wallpapers for command windows.
c) Copy and paste text. 

I wish you could highlight specific words in the command window that will be a cool feature to have.